Affordability Program
What is the Affordability Program?
We believe in increasing access to high-quality diagnostic services. Our Affordability Program offers a discount to clients based on family size and total income.
Do I Qualify for a Discount?​
1. Find your 2023 income tax form. On the first page of your 1040 tax form, find the number on line 9. This is your family's total income.
2. Find your Family Size in the green column on the chart below. This is the number of individuals you claimed, including yourself, on your 1040 form.
3. Find your Total Annual Income on the right of the chart.
4. Your Total Discount for a diagnostic evaluation will be at the bottom of that column.

An application for this program is automatically sent to you when you request an appointment.
Please contact fusion@fusioncenternetwork.com for assistance or more information on this process.